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Entry Exit Furnace Area
Entry Exit Furnace Area
• Billet charging bench
• Billet discharging device
• Roller table
• Billet dischrging emergency
• Weighing scale
• Disappering stop
• Billet charging furnace
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Rolling Mills
Rolling Mills
• Snap shear
• Horizontal stand
• Vertical stand
• Vertical looper
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Bar Finisching Area
Bar Finisching Area
• Roller table
• Chain transfer
• Staker
• Boundle roller table
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Continuous Casting
• Cooling chamber
• Spry system
• Support rolls curve sector
• Dummy bar storage system
• Roller table
• Lifter billet
• Walking bean
• Storage billet
Machines for the construction industry
Since 2004 engineering company operating in the steel industry